Preimplantation Genetic Testing is a procedure used prior to the implantation of an embryo to detect and prevent the transmission of serious diseases caused by genetic and chromosomal alterations in embryos, to ensure that children born via IVF do not inherit these conditions.

How does it work?
PGS testing consists of an embryonic biopsy and screening this sample to ensure that all cells are euploid. When we talk about “euploid” and “aneuploid” we mean the number of pairs of chromosomes within an embryo. Healthy or euploid embryos should have 23 pairs of chromosomes, aneuploid embryos may have monosomy or trisomy which indicate a genetic condition. If the cells analysed are healthy, it is assumed that the embryo is also healthy and apt for implantation.
If you or your partner are known carriers of a specific genetic disorder, this can be determined by PGD testing (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) in which a geneticist will look for the exact condition.
Because PGT screening analyses chromosomes, the gender of the embryo is also revealed. In some countries, this is a completely legal practise.
Find out more about our services for IVF with Gender Selection.

Who would benefit from PGT?

Any couple undergoing in vitro fertilization is a potential candidate for aneuploidy testing and could benefit from performing genetic diagnosis tests, especially: Couples at risk of passing on a genetic disease or condition could also be candidates for PGD, in addition to the following groups:
– Patients with chromosomal disorders.
– Women aged 35 or over due to a higher percentage of abnormal eggs caused by age.
– Women who have experienced recurrent miscarriages .
– Women who have had more than one failed fertility treatment.


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