As we say goodbye to some families, we are excited to meet new ones and have been fortunate to welcome several new couples to Ukraine in November.

Thinking of starting your journey? It is still possible to travel to Ukraine by taking the following precautions:

  • Obtain a valid stamped and signed medical invitation for the clinic where you will undergo medical treatment, we will be able to get this for you.
  • Provide a valid negative PCR test with results no more than 48 hours old at the moment of crossing the border. This is only a requirement for travellers from zones Ukraine has classified as “Red Zones”.
  • Take out insurance and have the printed documentation ready to show at the border. The easiest way to do this is to take one of the options on the website.
  • Check the restrictions in place for the country you return to, you may need to undergo a PCR before flying home.


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